SIDHU JI was started by Anupreet Sidhu in 2011 as an extension to her fashion blog from a small room in her house. Sidhu's unique eye for fashion has developed through a multi-disciplinary career encompassing styling, fine arts and fashion forecasting. She made her runway debut in 2016 as a GEN-NEXT Designer at LAKME FASHION WEEK (Mumbai, India). She launched her Resort-Destination Celebration line at IBFW, Goa (India) in the spring of 2017 and made her International debut with Belgrade Fashion week (Serbia) in 2018.
Her brand creates functional high quality garments with a twist. Each outfit is made with an idiosyncratic quality underlined by a succession of very specific inspirational references of Travel and Art. Over the past few years the brand has explored the the space of Indian weaving and embroidery techniques which when combined with the futuristic elements give a new life to the ordinary everyday clothes. The interchangeable contemporary pieces are perfect for anyone who wants to stand out.